Our Commitment to Christ...
It is our passion to glorify God and exalt Christ as our Savior. It is our privilege and our responsibility as a church to explore the Word of God together, pray together, encourage and fellowship with one another, and exalt the Lord together through music and song. It is our pleasure to do this every Sunday as a family of believers.
Our Commitment to Caring...
We would love to have you come and spend a Sunday morning with us. We believe that you will enjoy one of the most welcoming and encouraging environments you have ever experienced. We would be honored if you would be our guest and worship with us.
Our Commitment to Community...
At Olde Liberty, we put a high value on creativity and fun. We believe it is important to use the talents and gifts God has given us to be a blessing to one another and to bring glory to Him. We love finding new ways to share joy and laughter along with learning how to apply the Bible to our lives in practical ways.